Thursday, August 27, 2009

i'll whip your butts!!


to my lovely juniors, please bring your promised junk foods and gas drinks(if got) to school on saturday or i really would have your butts kicked. please make it a nice day for me and not a stressful one. :) your help is put to goodness and appreciated.

option 1#

you bring=you relief=i can wrap=i c:=you c: also

on the other side,

option 2#

you don't bring=you feel scared+guilty+want to go play hide-n-seek forever=i can't wrap=i :<=when i get you, you.are.dead!!=you dead, i muahaha.

which do you think is a better option, hmm??

zhong zhi, you BRING IT LA. ~refer to 1st option to see the predicted effects.